Apricus Business Consulting, LLC

State and Local Tax Consulting Specialists

State Credit &
Incentive Consulting

Apricus Business Consulting provides consulting services to help companies identify, capture, and manage value opportunities, especially in federal and state tax credits and incentives. Tax credits and incentives vary significantly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and this complexity often prevents businesses from identifying, capturing and maximizing the benefits available. 

We provide two primary service offerings in this area:

  1. State Tax Credit and Incentive Review – For companies who have not recently performed a state tax credit and incentive review, we can assist with identifying, quantifying, and obtaining valuable and often overlooked credits and incentives. In some cases, we can apply for certain credits and incentives retroactively. Our review covers both statutory and discretionary credits and incentives and are tailored to identify value opportunities, including but not limited to the following: state job tax credits, capital investment credits, research and development credits, and port volume credits. 

Key factors that warrant a state credit and incentive review for your company are:

      • Employee Growth: New jobs created within the past 3 to 5 years
      • Capital Investment
      • Purchases of new manufacturing or research and development (R&D) equipment
      • New facilities, expansions or upgrades placed into service within the past 3 years
      • Export/Import Volume: Annual cargo volume increases (inbound or outbound) at regional ports
  1. Post Award Credit and Incentive Management – For companies currently holding incentive award packages issued by state and local government agencies, there are compliance requirements included as part of the terms for the awards. The compliance requirements may include meeting job creation target levels, exceeding capital investment targets, and monitoring and reporting status updates over a certain number of years. Businesses that fail to achieve the agreed upon targets of the incentive award and/or do not properly monitor and report status updates, risk the loss of future benefits and even be assessed a “claw-back” of previously received benefits.

The purpose of our credit and incentive consulting service is twofold: First to ensure the Company is receiving and maximizing available credits and incentives and second, to assist the Company with the monitoring and reporting requirements of previously received awards and to maintain the benefits prospectively, as needed.  

We look forward to discussing how our Credit and Incentive services might benefit you and your business.